Ear cuff jewelry is making a comeback, no longer a 90s phenomenon.

One of the biggest and most exciting current shakeups in the jewelry industry is the way ear wear has changed and been added to over the years, along with the loss of pre-perceived restrictions on it, like only using drops or studs. An increasing number of jewelry designers have been coming up with more ways to adorn your ear with the most creative designs, in this case, the ear cuff. But while they are appealing to the eye, they bring up a few questions that must be answered before looking into purchasing one. If they draw you in, but you’re still hesitating or confused about them, this will answer those questions.

There are many different ear cuff styles, with some hooking over the top of the ear and using its natural curve, some having fastenings on your earlobe that hold it in position with extra security, or could even have additional clips that are hidden from your view when they’re warned to guide the ear cuff into looking a certain way. Others use slide-style clips that allow for fastening it at many different positions, something that works particularly well for smaller cuffs, or will hook into the inside of the ear itself, something that could be noticed by anyone.

The question of whether or not they are comfortable depends on the cuff’s design. They can have specific circumstances, like cuffs with posts and hooks becoming uncomfortable over time only if it’s very heavy, otherwise, it will be far more comfortable. Slides are comfortable but are less secure than ear cuffs that use cliffs and posts. The cuffs that will end up actually being discomforting in general are designs with clips that are far too strong and put too much pressure on the ear, although there are some ways around this issue for designs with the problem.

How many cuffs should you use? There are no rules, we’ve seen fashion models wear up to 5 on one ear in a charm-style manner. If you buy a single cuff, ones that are specifically for one ear will follow the curve of the ear. A great idea is to go ahead and get the two earrings created and keep one for a spare or gift the custom earring to a friend. With fashion sometimes there are no rules. If you’re looking for something truly unique Moses Jewelers can custom design your earring cuff for you for ultimate fashion expressiveness.

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